At Fromagerie L’Ancêtre, we produce and market authentic dairy products without compromise. Organic dairy production practices have been at the heart of our company since its founding in 1992 by organic milk producers. The absence of pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers is a standard for us, as enhanced animal welfare for cows that are grazing outside whenever the weather allows and benefiting from high-quality feed, primarily consisting of organic forage from rich, healthy soils.
It is on this solid foundation that we have decided to go even further. We have established a collaboration with five organic milk producers who share our values and exceed the requirements of organic certification. These producers feed their cows with a maximum grass in order to enhance their welfare, produce milk that is even richer in essential fats, and reduce their carbon footprint.
Fromagerie L’Ancêtre is proud to transform this milk, which we collect exclusively, and to establish a first in Canada by displaying, in addition to the organic logo, the lush colors of the new “Grass-Fed” logo.
This certification, developed by Dairy Farmers of Canada, is conducted alongside a rigorous organic audit system by Ecocert, an independent and accredited certifier. This process ensures consumers that the organic standards are met and that at least 75% of the cows’ feed comes from forage or grass —the remaining 25% consists of grains and essential supplements to help them through our Canadian winters.
This achievement aligns with our mission to offer Canadians high-quality dairy production that contributes to their health while respecting nature and animal welfare. To promote sustainable, responsible agriculture that reduces the effects of climate change.
For more information, please visit the Dairy Farmers of Canada website.
Our commitment to quality is confirmed through rigorous audits conducted by qualified third-party organizations, ensuring compliance with the standards set by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Canada Organic, Dairy Farmers of Canada, as well as FSSC 22000 standards.
Thank you for contributing to a better world by choosing our organic and grass-fed cheeses. To learn more about Fromagerie L’Ancêtre, please visit our website.