Your health and that of the planet are top priorities for L’Ancêtre Cheese Factory, which is why we offer you a variety of organic butters and cheeses produced in an environmentally friendly way. We work in harmony with nature to help preserve biodiversity, the quality of our land and the health of our animals. By choosing organic farming, you are joining us in our efforts to maintain the health of both the planet and its people.
Not only is organic food better for you—it also tastes fantastic! Our Canadian butters and cheeses offer you a whole new world of flavour. Our delicious cheeses can be enjoyed on their own or as a wonderfully tasty addition to any healthy meal. Our smooth, creamy butters are perfect for all your favourite recipes. Choosing organic foods means savouring life to the fullest!
L’Ancêtre Cheese Factory’s butters and cheeses are made from organic milk produced by dairy cows on farms following strict Canadian Organic Standards. This highly-regulated production method respects the animals’ natural rhythms.
We love treating our cows well! They have a balanced diet, go out to pasture to eat and get plenty of fresh air and exercise. We look after them and in return they give us a top-quality raw material.
All Canadian butters and cheeses made by L’Ancêtre Cheese Factory are certified organic by Québec Vrai and Organic Canada. Québec Vrai verifies that organic standards are applied meticulously according to the specifications of Organic Canada. All of our packaging bears the labels Québec Vrai and Organic Canada.
With your help, L’Ancêtre Cheese Factory is doing its part to improve our planet’s well-being. Right from the start, we chose organic farming to make our Canadian butters and cheeses.
We want to protect biodiversity and respect the environment. We want to make organic food available to everyone, enabling you to help build a greener world.