Fromagerie l'Ancêtre Is it legal to sell cheese made from unpasteurized milk in Canada? - Fromagerie l'Ancêtre

Is it legal to sell cheese made from unpasteurized milk in Canada?

Yes. Pursuant to the Food and Drugs Act, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) allows the manufacture and sale of cheese made from raw (unpasteurized) milk as long as it complies with the following conditions:

  • Article B.08.44 (1) “No person shall sell a cheese, including cheese curds from a cheese factory, that has not been made with pasteurized raw materials, unless it has been stored […]”
  • Article B.08.030: “stored” means kept at a temperature of at least 2°C for a period of 60 days or more, starting from the date the manufacturing process began.”

Ripening destroys pathogenic bacteria, letting the “good” bacteria take over, proliferating and giving the cheese its incomparable flavour.

Before being offered for sale, all our batches of cheese are analysed to determine their bacteria count—every time, our cheeses exceed the standards set by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

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